We have developed a series a tutorials so that any kind of user can take advatage of that API:
A (mute) soundcast presents the use of the Alignment API from the NeOn toolkit.
Other sources of information are the example directory of the Alignment API and the source code (with its moderately explicit Javadoc).
This preparation phase, is common to all tutorials (but the second one which only requires a web browser).
For running the alignment API, you must have a Java interpreter available. We will call it java. For compiling your application, you will also need a java compiler, hereby called javac.
Download the last version of the Alignment API from https://gitlab.inria.fr/moex/alignapi. Unzip it and go to the created directory:
You can check that everything works by only typing:
Alignment API implementation 4.0 usage: Procalign [options] URI1 URI2 options are: --impl=className -i classname Use the given alignment implementation. --renderer=className -r className Specifies the alignment renderer --output=filename -o filename Output the alignment in filename --params=filename -p filename Reads parameters from filename --alignment=filename -a filename Start from an XML alignment file --threshold=double -t double Filters the similarities under threshold --cutmethod=hard|perc|prop|best|span -T hard|perc|prop|best|span method for computing the threshold --debug[=n] -d [n] Report debug info at level n -Dparam=value Set parameter --help -h Print this message
The above command outputs the command line usage of the Procalign class. We do not detail it here, this tutorial will present it entirelly.
You will then go to the tutorial directory by doing:
You can clean up previous trials by:
The goal of this tutorial is only to help you realize the possibilities of the Alignment API and implementation. It can be played by invoking each command line from the command-line interpreter. In this example we use the tcsh syntax but the main specific syntax is the first one:
which puts in variable $CWD the name of the current directory (for these using Bourne shell instead of C-shell, this is export CWD=`pwd`).
Now you can go back to any of the tutorials:
The format of these tutorials has been shamelessly borrowed from Sean Bechhofer's OWL tutorial.