Performances analysis on the bibliography sample
We have made a serie of experimentation to evaluate the transmorpher
To do it, we have experemented the transmorpher on a set of XML file,
representated bibliography information.
The site on XML file is inside the range [1Ko ..1Mo] xml file.
We compare 4 programs :
The transmorpher, with a version where we takes benefits of common computation
exemple, to compute the first and the second output we need to strip the
hiden par of the bibliography, this computation is done only once). This
version use thread.
The transmorpher, with a version where we takes benefits of common computation
(for exemple, to compute the first and the second output we need to strip
the hiden par of the bibliography, this computation is done only once).
This version doesn't use thread.
The transmorpher, with a version where we don't takes benefits of common
computation (for exemple, to compute the first and the second output
we need to strip the hiden par of the bibliography, this computation is
done only once). This version use thread.
The basic pipeline program of xalan.
The graphique represent the results. In X, the XML file size, in Y the
computation time to compute the 4 output (see sample
The result are desribe in the two following figures (1
& 2 ) :
Figure 1.0 : Transmorpher Performance (XML
size beetwen 0 .. 1500)
Figure 2.0 : Transmorpher Performance (XML
size beetwen 0 .. 500)
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Jérôme Euzenat,
Last modified: Thu Apr 19 18:39:04 CEST 2001
$Id: perfs.html,v 1.3 2001-10-10 07:29:23 jerome Exp $