Transmorpher to do list
To do list
In red=priority, done in
CVS image, under implementation.
- Design
- Development
- get rid of gnu.regexp
- Use XSLT 2.0
- stdin/stdout implementation (it is currently implemented as
- inport/include implementation
- Ensure JAXP compatibilty
- Implement all SAX handler
- Check UNICODE compliance
- Ruleset: implement ID filtering
- processing: generating correct version number, etc in generated XSLT files.
- Get rid of resources!
- Contrib
- *: Import Cocoon adds-on
- external: system external
- external: XAF
- Experiments
- processing: Null retropropagation
- processing: Flux input of XSLT proc
- caching: develop a caching model for output
- compiling: try using Sun's XSLT compiler
- ruleset: experiment ORO (jakarta regexp)
- Samples
- Tests
- Documentation
- Java doc
- web site/documentation
- Extension documentation
- Packaging
- Add CVS log since last one (from TODO.html)
- RELAX NG and XML Schema
Feel free to comment to
$Id: todo.html,v 1.10 2007-03-10 20:35:58 euzenat Exp $