Interlinking data with alignments and link keys (in triple stores)

This shows the use of queries generated in the Data interlinking tutorial in online triple stores.


We are using Sesame.

Evaluating the query in data sets loaded in different name graphs

Data sets are loaded in two different name graphs.

For this test a new query is generated by naming the graphs:

$ java -cp $CLASSPATH fr.inrialpes.exmo.align.cli.ParserPrinter file:linkkey4.rdf -r fr.inrialpes.exmo.align.impl.renderer.SPARQLLinkkerRendererVisitor -DgraphName1= -DgraphName2=
which provides the query:
PREFIX rdf:<> PREFIX ns1:<> PREFIX owl:<> PREFIX ns2:<> PREFIX ns0:<> PREFIX xsd:<> CONSTRUCT { ?s1 owl:sameAs ?s2 } WHERE { GRAPH <> { ?s1 rdf:type ns0:Departement . } GRAPH <> { ?s2 rdf:type ns1:NUTSRegion . ?s2 ns1:level ?o2 . FILTER (?o2=3) ?s2 ns1:hasParentRegion ?o4 . ?o4 ns1:hasParentRegion ?o5 . ?o5 ns1:hasParentRegion ?o6 . FILTER (?o6=ns2:FR) } GRAPH <> { ?s1 ns0:nom ?o7 . } GRAPH <> { ?s2 ns1:name ?o8 . } FILTER( lcase(str(?o7)) = lcase(str(?o8)) ) MINUS { GRAPH <> { ?s1 ns0:nom ?o2 . } FILTER NOT EXISTS { GRAPH <> { ?s2 ns1:name ?o2 . } } } MINUS { GRAPH <> { ?s2 ns1:name ?o2 . } FILTER NOT EXISTS { GRAPH <> { ?s1 ns0:nom ?o2 . } } } }

Similar results may be obtained by loading the data in the same graph


Evaluating the query in data sets loaded the same name graphs

We are using Virtuoso. Everything has been loaded in a single named graph (identified by http://exmo)...

Evaluating the query in data sets loaded in different name graphs

Here is how to load the graphs:

Here is how to evaluate the same query as generated for Sesame.

The result is the same as previously.

Further exercises

More info: